Friday, December 2, 2016

Rough-in Progress

This week was largely about Kevin and his team working their way through the electrical rough in.

We did have Miguel's team in on Tuesday to do the first day of rough-in carpentry.  This phase of the framing is little understood or appreciated, so I'll try and explain it here...

After the roof and windows are complete, the three  main rough-in trades can start.  "Rough-in" basically means "the stuff that has to be installed before we drywall and cover everything up".  First, the HVAC guys come in, making holes everywhere and sometimes disconnecting parts of walls in order to run their duct work and venting.  Then, the plumber comes in, and though they are usually able to keep most of the framing intact, they sometimes weaken critical supports and sometimes have to run their drains under or beside framing that will require "boxing".

Finally, the electrician arrives - he usually doesn't mess too much up so we'll keep him out of this.

After those three trades are pretty much clear of the house, the "rough-in framing" can start.  The task list can be long - this was Miguel's for 955 Crozier...

Basically, these are things that need to be repaired (damaged by the guys mentioned above), things that were intentionally left incomplete by the framers on the first pass (it's complicated to explain that one in less than 1000 words...), things that need to be corrected with new information (that vanity is wall hung, not floor mounted, so we need to reinforce that wall!) and so on.

Miguel had 4 guys there on Tuesday for the whole day, and they have another day scheduled next week!

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